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Cyprus Dunya IVF Clinic

Egg Donation Programme
- Dunya IVF

Kyrenia / North Cyprus

Why choose Cyprus Dunya IVF Clinic?

Dunya IVF in Cyprus was established in 2008 and specializes in donation treatments. We have moved to a brand new, state of the art facility in January 2018. Our medical team and clinic specializes in full range of infertility treatments. Due to the favourable regulations, we can treat single women, unmarried couples and women upto 55 year of age. We have a large donor pool, therefore the patients will find a suitable donor matching their physical characteristics without a waiting list. Embryoscope Plus and RI Witness systems are used as standard and inclusive of treatment price. Being located in Kyrenia, Cyprus makes it an ideal place for couples to combine their IVF treatment with a holiday.

Programme restrictions and qualification criteria

Programme benefits

  • in this program two day-5 blastocyst embryos are guaranteed (if not, the clinic would perform another cycle for free),
  • ICSI is included,
  • Embryocope Plus is a standard,
  • RI Witness included in the price.

Egg Donation Programme

at Dunya IVF
  • No waiting list
  • 2 blastocysts guranteed
  • ICSI included
  • Embryoscope Plus included
  • RI Witness systems included

Costs of services not included in the program

  • Embryo vitrification + 1-year storage €500

    (up to 2 straws)

Optional procedures

  • Anonymous donor sperm €1,000
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