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IVF and Egg Donation in Ukraine

Table of Contents

IVF in Ukraine - basic information

Egg Donation in Ukraine

brief information regarding donor eggs IVF in Ukraine
4,000-7,000 Egg donation cost range in Ukraine
  • Egg donation cycles per year1
  • Average egg donation success rates2
  • Egg donation
  • Donor availability
    Caucasian, Asian
IVF and Egg Donation in Ukraine - availability and limits
Maximum patient - woman ageNo limit
not specified by legislation, decided by each clinic individually
IVF treatments for single womenAllowed
IVF treatments for female same sex couplesNot allowed
Gender selectionAllowed only if there are medical reasons
Not allowed for family balancing reasons
Maximum number of embryos to transfer
IVF with donor eggs
Maximum number of embryos to transfer
IVF with own eggs
3 if there are medical indications and the patient gives consent
Egg donation - anonymityAnonymous
Some characteristics, history and skills may be revealed to the recipient - depending on clinic's decision
Egg donor availabilityVery good
Egg donor age18-36
Maximum number of donations per same egg donor8
Sperm donor - maximum age40
Maximum number of children born from the same sperm donorNo set
IVF clinics in UkraineCheck IVF clinics in Ukraine >>>
Sources: Legislation and reimbursement of ART and IUI treatments in Europe >>> | IVF Aroad Patients Guide - 2023 >>> *ESHRE 2018 EIM REPORT​

Why IVF in Ukraine?

Ukraine is not the first country that springs to mind when patients think about travelling abroad for their treatment. It shouldn’t be dismissed off-hand though; the small eastern-European country has much to offer, from its rich history, stunning architecture, to gorgeous natural landmarks. Reputable clinics in cities such as Kyiv and Lviv are quickly establishing Ukraine as an affordable and safe destination for fertility treatment. There are two major factors for this: significantly lower treatment costs (easily affordable for the so–called “middle income” patients) and no legal limit on the age of women accessing IVF procedures.

Reasons to go to Ukraine for IVF or egg donation

IVF clinics in Ukraine

Ukraine is well on its way to becoming one of the preferred destinations for IVF treatments. According to the latest report published by the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), there were 46 clinics operating within the country. Over ten thousand own egg IVF cycles (and over three thousand egg donation cycles) were performed in Ukraine in that year – this includes patients coming from abroad.

Ukraine is one of the more popular choices for international tourists seeking fertility treatment, especially among those seeking a more economical option. As such, clinics are staffed with multilingual staff and English is commonly spoken. Some clinics even offer special treatment packages for patients from abroad, which include lodgings in local hotels.

Ukrainian IVF clinics must be accredited by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and they undergo rigorous inspections to ensure good safety standards and high quality of care. Results of all IVF treatments in the country are sent to the Ukrainian Association of Reproductive Medicine (UARM), along with ESHRE.

Featured Clinics in Ukraine
Medicover Ukraine

Medicover Ukraine

IVF Egg Donation at Medicover Ukraine Medicover IVF clinic has been a provider of IVF and surrogacy treatments (the medical part of surrogacy) for over two decades. The clinic is renowned internationally, with patients from 23 countries placing their trust in them to help them begin their families. Medicover Ukraine

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Fertility treatments in Ukraine

One of the main advantages of undergoing IVF treatment in Ukraine is its lack of a legal limit in regard to women’s and men’s age – assuming, of course, that patients have no contraindications to pregnancy (in accordance with the order of the Ukrainian Ministry of Health). Treatments are available to both married couples and single women. Unfortunately, none of IVF procedures are accessible to same–sex couples.

In Ukraine, egg donation is available with enforced anonymity – the same refers to sperm and embryo donations. It is recommended to transfer no more than 1–2 embryos to the uterine cavity (according to the order of the Ukrainian Ministry of Health). Social freezing of oocytes is permitted by law, as is sex selection of embryos for medical reasons. Testing such as PGS or PGD is also available to patients. Frozen oocytes and embryos can be stored indefinitely.

Ukraine differs from the majority of Europe in one key aspect – surrogacy is legal. It was legalised in 2002 and has enjoyed a steady level of popularity ever since. Unfortunately, the Ministry of Health does not release any data on surrogacy, so it’s difficult to estimate how popular the practice actually is.

IVF for lesbian couples in Ukraine

IVF for same-sex female couples in Ukraine is not allowed by law.

Egg donation in Ukraine

In Ukraine egg donation is anonymous – despite the fact that the main law on assisted reproductive technology does not define anonymity. However, most clinics keep their donors’ personal data private and minimise the access to it to the slightest possible degree. There is no central registry of donors, which potentially means they can donate indefinitely; however, many clinics operate according to ESHRE guidelines, which only permit six donations.

Although egg donation treatments in Ukraine are much cheaper when compared to other European countries, this does not imply worse conditions or less chances of success. According to data published by ESHRE, Ukrainian egg donation success rates are well above the European average.

Egg donor information available in Ukraine

Ukrainian law permits egg donation from close relatives, anonymous voluntary donors and patients undergoing IVF treatments who give consent to donate their surplus eggs.

Egg donors are matched to the patient by their phenotype, that is, their visible characteristics – eye and hair colour, skin tone, height, weight, et cetera; genetic history, blood type and other factors can also be used. Some clinics even allow access to donor pictures, including those taken as a child, as well as tertiary information, such as educational history, athletic or musical skills, and others. Additional information like that, however, is not available in every clinic.

Egg donor qualifications

Ukrainian donors must be aged 18 to 35 and have at least one biological child. They are also required to be healthy, not be affected by any hereditary diseases, as well as be free of bad habits such as substance or alcohol abuse. They are also required to undergo several mandatory examinations to rule out infectious diseases.

Donor qualification tests required by law:

  • TORCH infections Ig G/M (Toxoplasmosis, Cytomegalovirus, Chlamydia, Rubella, Herpes 1 and 2)
  • Hepatitis B and C
  • HIV
  • T. Pallidum
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Karyotyping

In order to make sure that donors understand the full implications of the egg donation process, they are also required to undergo psychological examination.

There is a maximum limit of 8 donations by same egg donor.

Embryo donation in Ukraine

Embryo donations are available in two forms in Ukraine – couples undergoing IVF can donate their surplus embryos, or new embryos may be generated from two donors. Although not as common as egg donation, patients can be assured that the same safety standards apply in both cases.

IVF cost in Ukraine

Ukraine is often quoted as one of the most affordable options for IVF treatment in Europe. The average price of egg donation treatment in Ukraine is €4,000 – €7,000 while single IVF cycle with own eggs in Ukraine costs about €2,200 to €5,200. The price, however, does not imply poor results or low quality of treatment, as we will see later in this article.

Sources: IVF Aroad Patients Guide, >>> | Patients Enquiries Reports 2013-2019, Fertility Clinics Abroad Ltd., Edinburgh, August 2019 | Patients Enquiries Report’s 2013-2019, IVF Media Ltd., Dublin, August 2019

As you can see, Ukraine is among the cheapest destinations in Europe. It also needs to pointed out that some clinics are not upfront about additional fees accumulating during treatments; so always be sure to ask your clinic of choice about whether these costs are included in their price quote:

  • the donor’s fee, her medication and screening (if you’re interested in egg donation)
  • egg retrieval
  • sperm collection and sperm preparation
  • ICSI
  • IVF add-ons  (techniques in IVF Lab)
  • transfer of blastocysts
  • vitrification (freezing) and storage of embryos/blastocysts
  • frozen embryo transfer

IVF success rates in Ukraine

ESHRE is the European authority concerned with collecting and publishing data on fertility treatments in member countries; their reports, however, are published with a large delay. Their latest report portrays Ukraine as a country very much enjoying a reputation for good treatment results, beating out even Spain in egg donation results. Own egg treatments are below the European average, although that may be explained by the fact that many IVF patients in Ukraine are in advanced maternal age.

IVF with donor eggs success rates in Ukraine as compared to European averages. 

Egg Donation Success Rates* per woman age in Europe – popular countries
Country / Woman age<3435-39≥40
Czech Republic44.741.040.2
North CyprusNo data / not collected by ESHRE
*Pregnancy rates per embryo transfer. Source: ART in Europe, 2016: results generated from European registries by ESHRE >>> | *Only 101 ED cycles were reported for Latvia – not enough data.

IVF laws and clinics accreditation in Ukraine

The basic law setting out regulations and guidelines regarding Assistive Reproduction Technology in the Ukraine is Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine of 09.09.2013 No. 787, which sets out regulations and guidelines regarding Assistive Reproduction Technology, including IVF. This document, along with the Family Code of Ukraine, Basic Healthcare Law of Ukraine, and the Ukrainian Civil Code, dictate who can and cannot participate in IVF treatments.

When considering IVF treatment in Ukraine, one also has to take its unsure political situation into account. Over five years after the Russia’s annexation of Crimea, Ukrainian politics and economy are still far from stabilising. Additionally, as Ukraine is not a member of the European Union, patients would not benefit from the legal protection available to EU clinics.

IVF in Ukraine – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How much does IVF treatment cost in Ukraine?

Despite established track record in reproductive medicine, modern medical facilities and experienced fertility specialists, Ukraine is known for one of the lowest costs of IVF treatment in Europe. The average price of egg donation treatment is €4,000 – €7,000 while single IVF cycle with own eggs costs range from about €2,200 to €5,200.

What kind of IVF treatment is legally allowed in Ukraine?

In Ukraine, there is a lack of legal limits in regards to the age of female and male patients. Both married couples and single women are allowed to undergo IVF treatments. Egg and sperm donation is allowed and anonymous and the maximum number of eggs for fertilisation is not limited. Procedures such as ISCI, PGD and PGS are available and sex selection is possible only for medical reasons. Contrary to other European destinations, surrogacy is allowed and available in Ukraine.

What are IVF success rates in Ukraine?

Fertility clinics in Ukraine report all of their treatments and their results to the Ukrainian Association of Reproductive Medicine (UARM), which in turn submits data to ESHRE. The ESHRE 2014 report (published in 2018) shows that the overall birth rates for IVF with own eggs in Ukraine were 38.3% (for patients under 35 years old), 34.4% (for patients aged 35-39) and 26.8% (for patients over 40). The birth rate for IVF treatment with donor eggs was 56.2% for all age groups.

What are the most frequently chosen cities for IVF treatment in Ukraine?

Most of the Ukrainian fertility clinics are located in the country’s capital – Kyiv. Kyiv together with Lviv (the largest city in western Ukraine) are the most willingly chosen cities by IVF patients.

What major laws are regulating IVF treatment in Ukraine?

The major IVF law in Ukraine is Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine of 09.09.2013 No. 787 that sets out regulations and guidelines regarding Assistive Reproduction Technology. Together with the Family Code of Ukraine, Basic Healthcare Law of Ukraine, and the Ukrainian Civil Code, it states who can and cannot participate in IVF treatments.

Where can I find the information on IVF clinics in Ukraine?

On the basis of information received from the Ukrainian Association of Reproductive Medicine (UARM), we know that patients searching for IVF information can contact UARM at [email protected] . You can find the UARM website under the following link:

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Picture of Aleksander Wiecki

Aleksander Wiecki

Aleksander is a advocate of transparency and truth about IVF treatment and patients’ experience manager. With strong expertise and background in the IVF (infertility) industry including IVF clinics and genetic laboratories Aleksander strongly believes that there is a gap between IVF patients and clinics. This is a gap where patients may fall for the most common IVF treatment traps during their infertility journey. That’s why patients need help and support which they don’t necessary get from IVF clinics. The support which comes from an objective, trustworthy and reliable source. Aleksander is a regular guest at ESHRE annual meetings, the Fertility Show in London, the Fertility Forum, the IMTJ - Medical Travel Summit and Fertility Exhibitions and conferences around the world.
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