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Why IVF in the Czech Republic?

Czech Republic has a reputation as one of the most affordable European destinations for fertility treatment. Nestled between mountains, hills, and forests, the relatively small country enjoys a very high standard of living as well as advanced healthcare.

Which patients choose Czech Republic for IVF and IVF with donor eggs?

  • Patients (married couples) at the maximum age of 49 (woman) – Czech IVF clinics support patients up to 48 years (+365 days) regardless of the IVF treatment option
  • Patients looking for affordable IVF-ICSI or IVF with donor eggs treatment, also with a sperm donation. Czech Republic is one of the “cheapest” destinations for IVF treatment in Europe
  • Patients looking for Caucasian donors Czech IVF clinics have a large pool of Caucasian egg donors available
  • Patients interested in anonymous egg donation IVF – both egg and sperm donors are anonymous in the Czech Republic
  • Patients from Germany – most of the clinics in the Czech Republic speak German and many of them support patients with German doctors
  • Patients from the UK, France, and the Balkans

Egg donation and IVF in Czech Republic – costs, availability, and limits

Egg Donation and IVF in Czech Republic – costs and availability
IVF with own eggs in Czech Republic – average cost€2,700-5,700
Egg donation in Czech Republic – average cost €4,500-8,000
Average egg donation success rates in Czech Republic*41.1%*
Maximum patient – woman age48 (+365 days)
IVF treatments for single womenNot allowed
IVF treatments for female same sex couplesNot allowed
Gender selectionAllowed only if there are medical reasons
Not allowed for family balancing reasons
Maximum number of embryos to transfer
IVF with donor eggs
Maximum number of embryos to transfer
IVF with own eggs
Egg donation – anonymityAnonymous
Some characteristics, history and skills may be revealed to the recipient – depending on clinic’s decision
Egg donor availabilityVery good
Caucasian, Scandinavian
Egg donor age18-34
Maximum number of donations of the same egg donor5
Sperm donor – maximum age40
Maximum number of children born from the same sperm donor7
IVF clinics in Czech RepublicCheck IVF clinics in Czech Republic >>>
Sources: Legislation and reimbursement of ART and IUI treatments in Europe >>> | IVF Aroad Patients Guide – 2023 >>> *ESHRE 2018 EIM REPORT​

In the Czech Republic, IVF treatment has been a hot issue since the early days – in 1982, just four years after Louise Brown (the first IVF child) was born, the Czech Republic announced the birth of its first “test tube baby”. Ever since then, the country has strived to exploit its strategic location and high standard of healthcare to stay on top of reproductive science, becoming home to some 40 fertility clinics dedicated to helping couples become parents.

One such location is the capital city of Prague. Home to over a dozen IVF clinics this city is full of wondrous architecture, and boasts many delights to see while you are undergoing your IVF journey, and is the perfect place with which to combine your treatment with a well-deserved vacation.

Not only is it home to beautiful sites and sounds but Prague has some of the top IVF specialists and treatment methods in Europe, with the specialists being very highly educated and plying their trade at some of the top fertility clinics in the world. When it comes to treatment methods Czech IVF clinics combine the skills of their doctors, specialists and embryologists with state-of-the-art equipment and technology, specially designed to ensure your diagnosis and treatment are of the highest quality. You can be safe in the knowledge that your dream of becoming a mother can soon become a reality.

In order to ensure your infertility treatment goes as smoothly clinics often employ a coordinator who can help you plan your visit and holiday.

Reasons to go to the Czech Republic for IVF or egg donation

  • Lower / affordable treatment costs
  • Very good standards of medical care
  • Clear and easy communication with friendly staff
  • Convenient and easy IVF trip to arrange
  • Experienced IVF doctors and specialists
  • Donor anonymity and availability

IVF clinics in Czech Republic

The Czech Republic is known for its advanced healthcare system – in the 2018 Euro Health Consumer Index, it was ranked the 14th best in Europe, ahead of countries such as Spain, Italy, and the United Kingdom. The geographic location puts it quite literally in the middle of Europe, making treatments accessible for patients from all over the region.

There are just over 50 IVF clinics in the country, offering a wide variety of treatments and services to domestic and international. Most of the Czech Republic’s fertility clinics are located in the country’s capital, Prague. English and other European languages are widely spoken. Most foreign patients come to the Czech Republic for egg donation treatment.

Due to this there will never be any misunderstanding between you and your doctor, which helps reduce the stress from a stressful situation such as this. Your doctor will be able to explain everything to you in order to help you fully understand your treatment process and go in fully confident and happy.

Every Czech IVF clinic’s conduct is underpinned by strict national legislation (inspections are undertaken every three years); the European Convention on Human Rights and other EC directives.

Some clinics insert their data into NRAR (National Register of Assisted Reproduction) that monitors clinics for the realisation of state policy in the field of assisted reproduction. Clinics also publish the reports on results on their own websites and most of them report their treatments and results to the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE). ESHRE publishes country-wide summaries on an annual basis, although their reports usually describe a period of time four years prior to the date of publication.

Featured IVF Clinics - Czech Republic
Gynem Fertility Clinic

Gynem Fertility Clinic Prague

Gynem Fertility Clinic in Prague is a family clinic as it was founded in 2009 by Dr Milan Mrázek and his son, Martin Mrázek. The clinic is located in Prague, a wonderfully beautiful city in the Czech Republic. Prague is the absolute perfect place with which to begin or continue

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UNICA clinic

UNICA Clinics – Prague and Brno

Operating since 1991 the UNICA Clinic has two different clinics for you to choose from, one in Prague and one in Brno. Both cities are known for their wonderfully beautiful architecture and sightseeing spots. For international patients, the Prague-based IVF clinic UNICA offers full service, including travel arrangements, accommodation, and language

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IVF treatment in the Czech Republic

Fertility clinics in the Czech Republic offer a wide range of fertility treatments. It needs to be stated, however, that according to Czech law, these treatments are offered to infertile heterosexual couples only – therefore, same-sex couples are not allowed to undergo IVF. Artificial insemination may be given to a woman who has written consent signed by her male partner stating that they intend to undertake this medical procedure together. Artificial insemination is not allowed for a woman in a relationship with a man who has made a marriage application under another legal regulation. Access to fertility medicine is available only to women under 49 years old (there is no age limit for men).

When it comes to egg donation, clinics in the Czech Republic offer full donors’ anonymity. The same refers to sperm and embryo donations – the anonymity of both donors and recipients is enforced. In the Czech Republic, sex selection of a baby is not permitted, except in the case when there is a risk of serious genetic diseases involved. Advanced IVF procedures such as ICSI, PGS, PGD or assisted hatching are allowed. Social freezing of oocytes is permitted by law and the number of embryos transferred per cycle is decided by the treated couple in consultation with the physician of the given IVF clinic.

IVF for lesbian couples in the Czech Republic

IVF for same sex female couples in Czech Republic is forbidden. Only infertile heterosexual couples can be treated in Czech Republic.

Egg donation in the Czech Republic

Czech legislation lays out the basic framework for egg and sperm donation. The woman who gives birth to the baby is the legal mother of the child. The donation must be kept anonymous by both parties and clinics are required to keep records of treatments (including personal data of the donor and the patients) for up to 30 years – to ensure safety for both the recipient and the donor.

Egg donor information available in the Czech Republic

Mandatory anonymity is enforced by law. Patients receive no information about their donors, although legislation makes phenotype matching compulsory. This means even though the parents don’t know anything about their donor, the clinic must do their absolute best to match the patient to a donor who shares as many of their physical characteristics as possible. These include height, weight, eye and hair colour, skin tone, and more. Some clinics also employ facial recognition software in order to ensure the closest match possible.

Egg donor qualifications

Czech law described donors as women aged 18 to 35 or men aged 18 to 40. They are required by law to undergo testing for infectious diseases.

Donors are legally bound have to undergo the following tests:

  • HIV 1 and 2
  • Hepatitis B and C
  • Chlamydia
  • Syphilis

Those living in or coming from high prevalence areas for the HTLV I virus are also required to undergo antibody testing. Potential donors are also required to provide their medical and travel history in order to ascertain that they weren’t exposed to diseases such as malaria. Genetic screening is also required of donors in order to rule out the possibility of recessive genetic diseases such as cystic fibrosis.

All of this is to ensure that the eggs are the most fertile and healthy possible, to ensure you have higher chances of success, because the healthier and more fertile they are the better the chance of you achieving your dream of motherhood and ensuring there are no future health problems with your child.

The maximum number of 5 donations of the same donor is recommend in the Czech Republic.

Embryo donation in Czech Republic

Embryo donations are also a possibility in the Czech Republic. Couples who have surplus embryos at the end of their treatment can also decide to donate their embryos to be used by another, anonymous couple. The same criteria used in regular egg donation also are in place here. Surplus embryos may be also donated to research; a written declaration of consent is required in both cases.

IVF cost in Czech Republic

The Czech Republic is considered one of the most affordable fertility destinations in Europe. The cost of a single own egg IVF cycle in Czech Republic ranges from €2,700 to €5,700 while IVF with donor eggs in Czech clinics may cost from €4,500 to €8,000. Although lower prices may generate worries as to the quality and standards of treatment, as we can see in the ESHRE data further down the article, the results don’t deviate much from the European average.

Sources: IVF Aroad Patients Guide, >>> | Patients Enquiries Reports 2013-2019, Fertility Clinics Abroad Ltd., Edinburgh, August 2019 | Patients Enquiries Report’s 2013-2019, IVF Media Ltd., Dublin, August 2019

It also needs to be noted that transparency is not always apparent; some clinics are not the best at highlighting additional costs which may be incurred during treatments. It is important therefore that you ask your clinic what specific costs are included in any quote. Costs could include;

  • the donor’s fee, her medication and screening (if you’re interested in egg donation)
  • egg retrieval
  • sperm collection and sperm preparation
  • ICSI
  • IVF add-ons  (techniques in IVF Lab)
  • transfer of blastocysts
  • vitrification (freezing) and storage of embryos/blastocysts
  • frozen embryo transfer

IVF success rates in Czech Republic

ESHRE is the European authority concerned with collecting and publishing data on fertility treatments in member countries; their reports, however, are published with a large delay. According to their latest report, when it comes to egg donation, clinics in the Czech Republic fall short of the European success rate averages. 

Egg Donation Success Rates* per woman age in Europe – popular countries
Country / Woman age<3435-39≥40
Czech Republic44.741.040.2
North CyprusNo data / not collected by ESHRE
*Pregnancy rates per embryo transfer. Source: ART in Europe, 2016: results generated from European registries by ESHRE >>> | *Only 101 ED cycles were reported for Latvia – not enough data.


Best IVF clinics in Czech Republic

If you’re looking for best IVF clinics in Czech Republic you need to be aware that all clinics conduct is underpinned by both national legislation and EU directives. As you know when looking at internet forums, discussion groups the most known clinics are the best ones from patients point of view. Always check, ask the clinic before you make a decision to make sure it’s the one suits your needs and expectations.

Check the list of best IVF clinics in Czech Republic featured at

IVF in Czech Republic – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How much does IVF treatment cost in Czech Republic?

Although IVF prices in the Czech Republic are lower than in Spain, the treatment results don’t differ much from the European average and the standards of healthcare are impressive. (We compare IVF costs abroad in the post IVF with donor eggs in overseas clinics). The cost of a single own egg IVF cycle in the Czech Republic ranges from €2,700 to €5,700 while an egg donation cycle may cost from €4,500 to €8,000. However, one also has to take additional fees accumulating during treatments into account. Always remember to ask your doctor or specialist about the full cost of treatment, including any additional fees. With the right choice of clinic you will be getting successful IVF treatment at a pocket-friendly price.

What kind of IVF treatment is legally allowed in Czech Republic?

The Czech Republic’s IVF legislation is not as liberal as, for example, in Spain. First of all, the cutoff age for female patients is 49 years old. Assisted reproduction techniques are available only to registered and unregistered opposite-sex couples. Egg, sperm and embryo donation are allowed and anonymous. Oocyte cryopreservation (egg freezing) is legally permitted, as well as ICSI, PGS, PGD or assisted hatching. The maximum number of embryos to transfer is 2 (in both IVF with own eggs and IVF with donor eggs).

What are IVF success rates in Czech Republic?

The Czech IVF clinics are amongst the best ones in Europe in terms of success rates. According to the ESHRE 2014 report, Czech birth rates for IVF with own eggs were 33.3% (for patients under 35 years old), 25.4% (for patients aged 35-39) and 13.2 (for patients over 40). The birth rate for IVF treatment with with donor eggs was 46.8% for all age groups.

What are the most frequently chosen cities for IVF treatment in Czech Republic?

When you’re going to the Czech Republic, the choice of the clinic’s location is easy. It is Prague, the country’s capital, that is the most popular Czech city for fertility tourists. Other destinations where patients are travelling are Brno and Pilzno (Plzeň).

What major laws are regulating IVF treatment in the Czech Republic?

The major law for assisted reproduction technology in the Czech Republic is ‘Act No. 373/2011 Coll., On specific health services’. It is augmented by laws describing healthcare standards and protocols for handling human cells and tissues (372/201135, 296/200846, 422/200857, 227/200668).

Where can I find the information on IVF clinics in the Czech Republic?

Units that provide IVF services in the Czech Republic insert their data into NRAR (National Register of Assisted Reproduction). If you’re looking for authorised IVF clinics in a limited area, you’ll find them listed in the National Register of Health Service Providers.

Why is IVF in the Czech Republic a popular choice for fertility treatment?

There are several reasons why international patients opt for IVF and IVF with donor eggs in the Czech Republic. First, Czech well-equipped clinics are very reputable and staffed by skilled fertility doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel who speak foreign languages. Top clinics get high success rates and offer affordable costs and programs.

Are international patients accepted for IVF treatment in the Czech Republic?

The Czech Republic is one of the most popular destinations for treatments, welcoming international patients seeking high-quality and affordable IVF treatment. Czech fertility clinics are experienced both in IVF and IVF with donor eggs, well-equipped, and offer comprehensive support services such as assistance with travel arrangements, language translation, accommodation options, etc.

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Picture of Aleksander Wiecki

Aleksander Wiecki

Aleksander is a advocate of transparency and truth about IVF treatment and patients’ experience manager. With strong expertise and background in the IVF (infertility) industry including IVF clinics and genetic laboratories Aleksander strongly believes that there is a gap between IVF patients and clinics. This is a gap where patients may fall for the most common IVF treatment traps during their infertility journey. That’s why patients need help and support which they don’t necessary get from IVF clinics. The support which comes from an objective, trustworthy and reliable source. Aleksander is a regular guest at ESHRE annual meetings, the Fertility Show in London, the Fertility Forum, the IMTJ - Medical Travel Summit and Fertility Exhibitions and conferences around the world.
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