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IVF and Egg Donation in Russia

Table of Contents

IVF in Russia - basic information

Egg Donation in Russia

brief information regarding donor eggs IVF in Russia
3,800-7,000 Egg donation cost range in Russia
  • Egg donation cycles per year1
  • Average egg donation success rates2
  • Egg donation
  • Donor availability
    Caucasian, Scandinavian, Asian
IVF and Egg Donation in Russia - availability and limits
Maximum patient - woman ageNo limit
not specified by legislation, decided by each clinic individually
IVF treatments for single womenAllowed
IVF treatments for female same sex couplesNot allowed
Gender selectionAllowed only if there are medical reasons
Not allowed for family balancing reasons
Maximum number of embryos to transfer
IVF with donor eggs
Maximum number of embryos to transfer
IVF with own eggs
Egg donor availabilityGood
Egg donor age18-35
Maximum number of donations per each egg donorNot set
Sperm donor - maximum age35
Maximum number of children born from the same sperm donorNot set
IVF clinics in RussiaCheck IVF clinics in Russia >>>
Sources: Legislation and reimbursement of ART and IUI treatments in Europe >>> | IVF Aroad Patients Guide - 2023 >>> *ESHRE 2018 EIM REPORT​

Why IVF in Russia?

Russia – famous for its rich history, proud culture and one of the world’s top economies, the country is also home to one of the most extensive healthcare systems on the planet. Ever since the fall of the Soviet Union, private clinics and medical centres have opened their doors to foreign patients, attracting them with impressive standards of care. Today, IVF treatment in Russia is accessed by patients from all over the world. No wonder as Russia is home to over 160 IVF clinics which offer attractive IVF treatment prices and helpful medical staff that are fluent in English.

Reasons to go to Russia for IVF or Egg Donation

IVF clinics in Russia

According to the latest report by the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), there were 199 clinics offering IVF treatment in Russia in that year, of which 151 reported the results of their treatments to ESHRE. The clinics offering IVF programmes for international patients are located mainly in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

In order to operate legally in Russian territory and perform tasks in the field of assisted reproduction, IVF centres in Russia have to obtain two licenses:

  • one from the local authorities
  • and the other from the federal district.

Most – but not all – Russian clinics also submit data about their treatments to ESHRE, which in turn aggregates the results into yearly reports. Unfortunately, these reports are published after a significant delay.

The Russian Association for Human Reproduction administrates a nationwide registry of IVF centres in Russia and publishes its own annual reports, which are released slightly more often than their ESHRE counterparts. 

Featured Clinics in Russia

Fertility treatments in Russia

Russian clinics cater to a wide variety of patients: both married and unmarried heterosexual couples and single women. The standing legislation, however, does not recognize same-sex relationships. One of the most interesting aspects of IVF in Russia is the fact that it does not have a set age limit for treatments. Due to this, clinics often resort to implementing limits recommended by international advisory bodies, such as ESHRE. When choosing a clinic, make sure you ask about their age limits.

Russian law differs from that in other European nations, as it allows for both anonymous and “non-anonymous” donation treatments. But don’t let the name fool you – you’re not going to meet your donor or learn their name or address. You can, however, receive access to their pictures – both as an adult and as a child – along with their physical characteristics, and other supplementary information, such as a recording of their voice. The precise amount and type of information, however, varies between clinics.

Anonymous treatments are also available, and these work in a similar way to those offered by counterparts in European clinics; donors are matched based on the patient’s phenotype. There is no nationwide donor registry, however; clinics keep their own donor records.

When it comes to modern diagnostic techniques in the field of IVF, PGD and PGS are available to patients – as well as ICSI, assisted hatching or embryo transfer and vitrification. Sex selection is allowed, although only in cases in which the child would be likely to inherit a genetic disorder carried through sex chromosomes. Unlike most other countries, Russia also offers surrogacy services.

IVF for lesbian couples in Russia

IVF treatment for same sex female couples is not allowed in Russia.

Egg donation in Russia

If you are considering fertility treatment abroad Russia may be a perfect solution for you. The country’s large population makes for a diverse pool of donors – both European and Asian phenotypes are available, with a slight dominance of the former, reflecting the ethnic makeup of the country. Russia does not have a national registry of donors; instead, each clinic maintains its own database.

Egg donor information available in Russia

Russia’s rather liberal laws don’t enforce anonymity in donation treatments. It means that patients get access to much more detailed information about their donor. For instance, at some Russian clinics, the patient can see pictures of the donor as a baby, hear a recording of their voice, and more. The line is usually drawn at the donor’s personal information: their name, and address. Despite the possibility of non-anonymous donations, many clinics still perform treatments anonymously.

Egg donor qualifications

Regulations aren’t lax, however, when it comes to the donors’ qualification process. Sperm and egg donors must be aged between 18–35 years old and by law they must undergo thorough screening.

Donor qualification tests required by law:

  • HIV 1 and 2
  • Hepatitis B and C
  • Syphilis
  • Clinical blood count
  • STD testing for chlamydia, gonorrhea, mycoplasm, ureaplasm, trichomonas, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex 1 and 2
  • Anti-Rubella, Anti-CMV, Anti-HSV testing

On top of all that, a prospective donor also requires a statement from their GP, confirming that there are no health problems present which could result in complications through the donation process. A psychological examination is also required – this ensures the donor understands the consequences and impact of their decision.

There is no recommendation or guideline for the number of egg donor donations or offsprings.

Embryo donation in Russia

Embryo donation is allowed in Russia – waiting time may vary from clinic to clinic.

IVF cost in Russia

IVF treatment in Russia is often chosen by foreign patients due to the reasonable costs. The country offers results and a standard of care comparable to the clinics in Western Europe – at more affordable prices. It is enough to mention that the cost of a single own egg IVF cycle in Russia ranges from €2,000 to €5,000 while IVF with donor eggs in Russia may cost from €3,800 to €7,000.

Sources: IVF Aroad Patients Guide, WhereIVF.com >>> | Patients Enquiries Reports 2013-2019, Fertility Clinics Abroad Ltd., Edinburgh, August 2019 | Patients Enquiries Report’s 2013-2019, IVF Media Ltd., Dublin, August 2019

Be aware that some clinics may not be as transparent as others about additional costs and fees that can accumulate over the course of treatment. Make sure you ask your clinic about whether these costs are included in their price quote:

  • the donor’s fee, her medication and screening (if you’re interested in egg donation)
  • egg retrieval
  • sperm collection and sperm preparation
  • ICSI
  • IVF add-ons  (techniques in IVF Lab)
  • transfer of blastocysts
  • vitrification (freezing) and storage of embryos/blastocysts
  • frozen embryo transfer

IVF success rates in Russia

Most IVF units in Russia regularly submit their results to the European Society of Human Reproduction (ESHRE). The results reported by Russian clinics, along with those from other countries in Europe, are compiled into a yearly aggregate report.

Check Russian egg donation success rates compared to other popular IVF destination as per latest ESHRE report.

Egg Donation Success Rates* per woman age in Europe – popular countries
Country / Woman age<3435-39≥40
Czech Republic44.741.040.2
North CyprusNo data / not collected by ESHRE
*Pregnancy rates per embryo transfer. Source: ART in Europe, 2016: results generated from European registries by ESHRE >>> | *Only 101 ED cycles were reported for Latvia – not enough data.

IVF laws and clinics accreditation in Russia

The Ministry of Health issued order no. 107N in August 2012. This document serves as the legal basis for all assisted reproduction treatments in the country and applies to every federal state in Russia. The law lays out the proper procedure for diagnosing infertility (part 2, articles 8 to 19), indications and contraindications for the use of IVF procedures (part 3, articles 20 and 21, respectively), as well as an outline of a basic IVF cycle. Later on, it goes on to describe the rules for oocyte, sperm, and embryo donation and the medical requirements for donors.

Russian clinics are required to acquire two licenses in order to operate: one granted by the local authorities, and a second one, granted by the federal district, which allows the clinic to perform tasks in the field of assisted reproduction. In order to acquire both licenses, clinics must pass rigorous inspections. Appendices 1 and 2 of the Ministry of Health order 107N define the procedures carried out by an IVF clinic.

The Russian Association for Human Reproduction (RAHR) runs a nationwide registry of clinics and medical centres performing assisted reproduction treatments. Like ESHRE, they release annual reports detailing the efficacy of IVF treatments in Russia. 

IVF in Russia – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How much does IVF treatment cost in Russia?

The cost of a single own egg IVF cycle in Russia ranges from €2,000 to €5,000 while an egg donation cycle may cost from €3,800 to €7,000. Taking into account Russia’s advanced IVF procedures and English speaking clinics’ staff, IVF are significantly cheaper than e.g. in Spain or even Latvia.

What kind of IVF treatment is legally allowed in Russia?

In Russia, IVF treatment is available to both married and unmarried opposite–sex couples and to single women. There is no legal age limit for neither female or male fertility patients. Preimplantation genetic screening/diagnosis (PGS/D) is commonly provided for patients, as well as ICSI, assisted hatching or embryo transfer and vitrification. Sex selection for medical causes and surrogacy are allowed. Russia allows non–anonymous donation, which means that intended parents are able to see pictures of a donor as a child or an adult or hear their voice. Anonymous donation is possible as well.

What are IVF success rates in Russia?

According to the ESHRE 2014 report, the overall birth rates for IVF with own eggs in Russia were 34.1% (for patients under 35 years old), 25.9% (for patients aged 35-39) and 14.5% (for patients over 40). The birth rate for IVF treatment with with donor eggs was 48.0% for all age groups.

What are the most frequently chosen cities for IVF treatment in Russia?

Russia is home to over 160 fertility clinics and most of them are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Understandably, these are the cities most often chosen by foreign IVF patients.

What major laws are regulating IVF treatment in Russia?

The legal basis for all assisted reproduction treatments in Russia is the Ministry of Health order no. 107N, issued in August 2012. It outlays the legal procedures for diagnosing infertility, indications and contraindications for the use of IVF procedures, defines the procedures carried out by IVF clinics and also describes a basic IVF cycle, rules for egg/sperm/embryo donation and medical requirements for donors.

Where can I find the information on IVF clinics in Russia?

The Russian Association for Human Reproduction (RAHR) administrates a nationwide registry of IVF clinics and medical centres in Russia and releases annual reports detailing the efficacy of their treatments. They can be found under the following link: http://www.rahr.ru/registr_otchet.php

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Picture of Aleksander Wiecki

Aleksander Wiecki

Aleksander is a advocate of transparency and truth about IVF treatment and patients’ experience manager. With strong expertise and background in the IVF (infertility) industry including IVF clinics and genetic laboratories Aleksander strongly believes that there is a gap between IVF patients and clinics. This is a gap where patients may fall for the most common IVF treatment traps during their infertility journey. That’s why patients need help and support which they don’t necessary get from IVF clinics. The support which comes from an objective, trustworthy and reliable source. Aleksander is a regular guest at ESHRE annual meetings, the Fertility Show in London, the Fertility Forum, the IMTJ - Medical Travel Summit and Fertility Exhibitions and conferences around the world.
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