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Overcoming Multiple Failed IVF Cases | Real Patient Success Stories

Multiple IVF Failure - Patient Success Stories

Embarking on the journey of assisted reproductive technology, couples often face challenges and emotional upheavals. Multiple failed IVF (in vitro fertilisation) cycles can be disheartening and frustrating for couples who long for a successful pregnancy. In this article, we will talk about two case studies, where patients encountered several unsuccessful IVF attempts before finding hope and success at Clínica Tambre. We shed light on their inspiring journeys towards parenthood by exploring the concept of failed IVF cases, potential underlying reasons, and the personalized treatment approach taken.

Understanding failed IVF cases

Failed IVF refers to cycles in which successful implantation does not occur, leading to a negative pregnancy outcome. While IVF offers a ray of hope for couples struggling with infertility, not all cycles result in the desired outcome. Failed IVF cases can be attributed to various factors, which may include the following:

Egg Quality and Quantity: The quality and quantity of eggs are vital for successful IVF outcomes. As women age, the number and quality of their eggs naturally decline. Advanced maternal age, as observed in the case of the patient in this study who was 43 years old, can significantly impact the chances of successful fertilisation and implantation.

Sperm Quality: Male infertility factors, such as poor sperm quality or DNA fragmentation, can also contribute to failed IVF cycles. When sperm quality is compromised, it may affect fertilization and the subsequent development of embryos, reducing the chances of a successful pregnancy.

Embryo Quality: The quality of embryos formed during IVF plays a crucial role in successful implantation. Poor embryo quality, characterized by irregular cell division or chromosomal abnormalities, can impede implantation and lead to failed cycles.

Uterine Factors: Conditions affecting the uterus, such as abnormalities in the uterine lining or the presence of uterine fibroids, can hinder implantation and the development of a healthy pregnancy.

Hormonal Imbalances and Other Factors: Hormonal imbalances, immune system issues, implantation failure, or undiagnosed fertility issues can also contribute to failed IVF cycles.

Personalized treatment approaches

A personalised and comprehensive approach becomes crucial when couples face multiple failed IVF cycles. At Clínica Tambre, the patients in these two case studies received thorough diagnostics to identify the underlying factors contributing to their unsuccessful attempts. Based on the evaluation, customized treatment protocols were devised to address their specific needs and optimize their chances of success.

Patient case study no. 1

General Description of the Case: In this case study, the female patient is 44 years old and has a BMI of 25. She has previously undergone 5 IVF cycles without success. In the 5th cycle, 3 eggs were retrieved, but none of them fertilized.

Start of Treatment and Diagnostics: The woman was diagnosed with low ovarian reserve, indicating a diminished number of eggs available for fertilization.

Treatment Protocol and Procedures: To address the challenges faced by the patient, the medical team decided that the repeated failed IVF cycles were due to the quality and limited quantity of the patient’s eggs. As a result, it was determined to utilize eggs from a donor.

Results before Embryo Transfer: As part of the treatment, 10 eggs were obtained from a donor, and out of those, 4 viable blastocysts were developed.

Embryo Transfer: During the embryo transfer, a single blastocyst at the Day 5 stage was transferred into the patient’s uterus. A pregnancy test conducted two weeks later showed a positive result, indicating successful implantation.

Pregnancy Outcome: Following the embryo transfer, the patient’s pregnancy progressed positively. She gave birth to a baby girl in January 2023.

Patient case study no. 2

General Description of the Case:

The couple, in this case study had been on a challenging journey to conceive a child through assisted reproductive technology. They had previously undergone several unsuccessful IVF cycles, experiencing disappointment and frustration along the way. Their previous treatments included:

  • 1x IVF on NHS (National Health Service) – This cycle was successful, resulting in a pregnancy and live birth.
  • 2x IVF cycles in the UK – In these cycles, a total of 19 eggs were retrieved, resulting in 4 embryos. However, despite two embryo transfers and two frozen transfers, both cycles were unsuccessful.
  • 2x IVF rounds in Greece in November 2021 and March 2022 – The couple sought treatment in Athens, where they underwent hysteroscopy and PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) procedures. In the first cycle, 2 eggs were retrieved, and only 1 embryo was transferred. In the second cycle, 3 eggs were retrieved, and 1 embryo was transferred. Unfortunately, both cycles ended in failure. All of these cycles involved ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection).

Additional details about the couple’s medical history are as follows: In this case, the female partner is 43 years old and has previously undergone a mammogram and ECG three years ago. The couple was advised to repeat these tests and informed of their options. The male partner is 50 years old. They had one previous pregnancy from a successful IVF cycle on the NHS.

Additionally, regular follicular ultrasound monitoring (FUR) was conducted as part of the couple’s medical evaluation or treatment.

Start of Treatment and Diagnostics: After multiple failed IVF attempts, the couple sought further treatment and chose Clínica Tambre to continue their fertility journey. The couple expressed their interest in IVF and Egg Donation treatment, and the diagnostic process began.

During the diagnostics, it was discovered that the male partner had poor sperm analysis, which was identified as one of the contributing factors to the failed IVF cycles. The quality and lack of eggs were determined to be the main factors behind the previous unsuccessful attempts.

Treatment Protocol and Procedures: Based on the diagnosis, the medical team at Clínica Tambre developed a personalized treatment protocol for the couple. The primary focus was to address the quality and quantity of eggs retrieved. Specific adjustments were made to the stimulation protocols to maximize the number of mature eggs while ensuring their optimal quality. Additionally, ICSI was utilized due to the male partner’s poor sperm analysis, increasing the chances of successful fertilization.

Embryo Transfer and Pregnancy: The couple had a favorable outcome during the IVF cycle at Clínica Tambre. They ended up with 2 blastocysts of excellent quality (BT3AA, BT3AB, BT3BA, BT3BB, BT2AA, BT2AB, BT2BA, BT2BB). One of these high-quality embryos was transferred to the female partner’s uterus. The medical team at Clínica Tambre was delighted to see that the patient had a positive pregnancy result. The couple is currently expecting a baby.

Final words from the doctor

The doctor who oversaw the treatments emphasizes that for patients aged 43 and above who wish to achieve a successful pregnancy, egg donation is highly recommended. Egg donation not only increases the chances of pregnancy but also improves the likelihood of a healthy live birth.

Multiple failed IVF cases can be emotionally draining for couples yearning to conceive. However, it is crucial to maintain optimism and explore alternative treatment options. Through personalized treatment approaches, addressing specific factors contributing to failed cycles, and the expertise of fertility specialists, couples can increase their chances of a successful pregnancy.

Dr. Laura García de Miguel

The patient success story from Clínica Tambre exemplifies the significance of individualised care, accurate diagnostics, and a commitment to exploring alternative treatment options when confronted with multiple failed IVF attempts. It serves as a testament to the resilience and determination of couples in their quest to embrace the joy of parenthood.

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